<aside> 💡 Project: A web app made with React and two APIs
<aside> 💡 Scope: Create a functioning react app
<aside> 💡 My role: Designer & Developer
<aside> 💡 Goal: Successfully incorporate APIs for a dictionary and photo gallery
<aside> 💡 Challenges: How can I pull data from an API to display in a functioning app?
<aside> 💡 Basic process: Mood board > Napkin Sketches > Wireframe > Code > Push to GitHub > Host
<aside> 💡 Results: A functional dictionary forecast app for searching for any word.
Figure 1. The final dictionary app created with React and APIs.
Figure 2. A basic wireframe of the weather app concept.
GitHub - tiffanymackay/dictionary-app-project: React dictionary app
The final project allowed me to focus on incorporating APIs into React components. I coded using Visual Studio Code, the terminal, and uploaded to Github and hosting with Netlify.